Where ​It's Cool To Shoot
Are you open during the Week, or just on Saturday and Sunday?
The range is available to registered user groups, with a signed user group agreement, Monday-Friday from 7am to 10pm. Public Hours are only on Friday and Saturday during summer months. We need more volunteers to expand the public hours, so if you would like to see public hours expanded, please contact us to volunteer your time. During the winter months the rifle and pistol ranges ARE open on Fridays and Saturdays. The Shotgun and archery ranges are only open Saturdays. Check the home page for current open hours as these change with the seasons.
What are the minimum age requirements?
The minimum age is 8 with an adult and 18 without an adult. However, if the Range Safety Officer does not feel the young adult is safe, they may not allow the youngster on the range.
What if I forget my membership card?
Members must present their current membership card to use the range. Members who do not have their card with them will be required to pay the standard user fee of $10.00.
What can I shoot at the range?
Rifle: You can shoot pretty much everything from air guns up to (insert really big gun here) BUT .50 BMG is not allowed. Muzzleloaders are OK. Shotguns shooting slugs are OK. Legally owned NFA items are ok too. Please do not shoot tracers, or incendiary rounds. Steel cased ammo is fine, as is the dreaded M855 or SS109!
Shotgun: On the shotgun side, we have a 1 skeet field and 5 trap fields which are open every weekend, and a sporting clays course as well. Nothing larger than 7.5 shot.
Archery: Field tips only... No broadheads!
Can I bring a large group to the range? What does it cost?
Yes! We welcome groups and can accommodate many different types of events. Prices can vary by the venue, date, and number of people you intend to bring.
Is rapid fire allowed?
Yes, if done safely. If your rounds are hitting the target then all is good. Same goes for machine guns, all rounds must stay in the range.
Can I bring my own targets?
Yes, provided they are paper. We supply the stand and cardboard backing.
Is drawing from a holster permissible?
Not during public hours.
Do I need to be a member to shoot at the range?
No. You can pay a day-use fee and sign a waiver, which is required for insurance. But membership has its advantages... Members are not charged the daily range fees, and do not need to sign a waiver each time they shoot. Members receive a discount per round of sporting clays, and/or trap & skeet.
Can I volunteer?
Yes, send an email to Azfctc@gmail.com and we will get you involved.
How do I become a member?
Fill out the form on the membership page, mail it in. Done. Easy! Or come to the range during public hours and sign up.
Do you provide any instruction?
Right now we offer NRA certified beginning shotgun classes several times each summer. Check the "Training" page under "Events" for additional information. During public shooting hours, we have range safety officers whose primary duty is to keep the shooters safe. Most of these RSO's are skilled shooters, some are certified instructors, and most would gladly help you out with a question or two. At this time we do not have a formal "training program" for new shooters. This may happen at the range as we grow and have more resources, so check the website for updates.
Do you have archery targets at the range?
Yes, we have 5 bag targets at 20, 30, 40, 50, and 60 yards.
Do you have guns to rent?
Do you sell ammo a the range?
We do not sell ammo at the range.
Well then, what do you have at the range?
Currently we have two pistol/rifle firing bays, a sporting clays course, one combo trap and skeet field and 4 additional trap fields. We sell paper targets and we provide target stands, the cardboard, and the tape to tape up your targets .
What are the range rules (pistol/rifle ranges)?
There is actually a pretty long list of rules at the range and they are posted at each range office. To sum up the rules:
1. Guns cased or holstered when entering or exiting the range
2. Muzzles always pointed downrange
3. No handling of guns or ammo during "Cease Fire" times.
4. Unload and open actions during "Cease Fires."
5. Obey the Range Safety Officer.
All the rules are in place to provide a SAFE shooting experience.
If this doesn't answer your questions then go to: Azfctc@gmail.com